Gina L. Veronesi, C.Ht


Welcome to my blog. I document the exploration and healing of my inner world and explain the processes I use in my work as a hypnotherapist.

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression

Sept 22, 2020

Past Life Regression

I may have an unpopular interpretation of Past Life Regression, among my peers in the spiritual community. I don’t know if reincarnation is real. I have read about some amazing accounts of people knowing the personal undocumented circumstances of the life and death of others who have lived long ago. I don’t doubt their experience. I have an alternative theory of how they are able to tap in to the experiences of those who have lived before us: There is no time.

We, of course, measure time. We live in cycles and seasons and make appointments and attend events, but only because we live in the physical dimension on Earth specifically. Science suggests based on the SuperString Theory that there are 10 dimensions. . I believe there are more than this, but I have no evidence to show you. The above referenced article mentions the mastery of the 5th and 6th dimensions may allow time travel, either backwards or forwards. This idea has catapulted my imagination to explore the subconscious mind in such a way to alter our current reality to the degree that we experience a more joyful or successful life.

Many people struggle with loneliness, insignificance, financial instability, addiction, anxiety, depression, etc, but why? I have spent a lot of time studying suffering, behavior and the subconscious mind. Recently, a young woman asked me, “Why do you study this stuff? Are you getting a PhD?” Although I was surprised at the question, I answered, “No, I don’t need a PhD, I just want to understand myself and others.” Her question and my answer made me think; If Source’s, (God’s), purpose in creating life is to know itself, I am truly made in Source’s image. At this moment I realized I am expanding, because that is what Source does.

Oneness allows us to know without a direct experience, or perhaps to tap into a direct experience, because of our oneness. I have explored thirteen past lives so far, and each one has given me deeper insight into my current life and how better to live it. I feel that my subconscious is telling me stories in pictures to communicate to me a greater meaning. In exploring these “stories” I have noticed a growth in my sense of control of my life. After I “see” the past life and learn the lesson, I go back and re-write it. I edit it, if you will, to be a happier ending, it has given me peace to know that I can re-write my story, in any time, even my current experience of being human.

I will post my past life stories and hope we may share lessons that allow us to more Richly Experience Our Humanity.

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